วันพุธที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Nursery Insurance - The Questions to Ask When Buying It

If you work in the pre school education sector you will know the importance of health and safety. This article looks at how nursery owners and managers can make sure they get all the protection they need by asking the right questions when buying their nursery insurance policies.

Nursery Insurance - The Questions to Ask When Buying It
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Before we look at the importance of asking questions when buying insurance, let us first look at what many peoples experience of buying insurance is like. It might go something like this. Firstly, you realise you need to get insurance and you either ask someone for a recommendation, look online or flick through a magazine or yellow pages to see who is offering what you need. You need visit their website and fill out a form or give them a call and are faced with question after question. You are then given a price and you decide whether to take it or not with the price being perhaps the number one factor in your decision. Is this process is familiar to you then welcome to the new and improved way to buying nursery insurance.

To begin with, if you really want a new and improved service, you need to find someone who specialises in nursery business insurance. You can do this by looking through a trade magazine, speaking to someone in the pre school sector or by searching online for a phrase such as nursery insurance, day nursery insurance or nursery insurance broker.

This part of getting a nursery insurance quote is pretty similar to what currently happens but this is where what you do should change as when you make contact with the nursery insurance expert or experts you have identified, you need to make sure you ask questions. Here are just some of the questions you might consider asking along with the reasons for asking them.

Question 1. How long have you been providing nursery insurance for? This question can establish the level of experience they might have and can give you the peace of mind of knowing that they must be doing something right. The insurance sector is extremely competitive and businesses who have been around for a long time are generally still around because of the high levels of service and quality products they provide.

Question 2. How many similar clients do you have? Whilst for data protection purposes they might not be able to name names, if they specialise you would certainly expect them to have numerous clients in the pre school sector already as clients.

Question 3. What can you provide me that my current nursery insurance provider cannot? This is a great question as whilst many people might just considering moving for a cheaper premium, you no doubt will want more than that. A nursery business insurance specialist should be able to provide you with service levels and cover that others cannot because of the deals they have negotiated with the insurance companies. And as someone looking for nursery insurance you should be able to take advantage of these deals and end up with more cover for, in many cases, less money.

If you want to make sure your nursery gets the cover, service and premium you are happy with then the next time you are looking around for insurance make sure you ask just some of the questions above. If you do, the chances are you could get expert advice and cover tailored to your needs whilst at the same time as saving money on your nursery insurance premiums.

By Mark Burdett


