วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Dressing Up Baby: Choosing The Right Baby Clothes

..Cotton is definitely the fabric of choice for baby clothing for the reasons mentioned above, but cotton does have a nasty tendency to shrink when washed in hot water...

Choosing the right clothes for your baby can be an unexpectedly daunting task. Especially if you’re a new parent, buying baby clothes necessitates some insight into the world of infants. Babies grow very quickly, sleep a great deal, and can soil their clothes at the drop of a hat. These little guys and gals can be demanding on garment makers !

One piece jumpsuits, also known as “onesies” are the classic choice to dress your baby in during the day. Though Onesie is a brand name, many reputable baby clothing stores such as Petit Lem, Kissy Kissy, and Emile et Rose carry durable, one piece baby day outfits. These compact outfits are designed to help keep diapers properly situated and can withstand the incessant crawling about of curious tots. In addition, one piece body suits are easy to remove during diaper changes.

At night, one piece daywear can be changed for pajamas (often after a diaper change) . Pajamas also often one piece, but tend to be more climate dependent. In warmer climates, baby pajamas tend to be very thin and light to promote ventilation, while pajamas in northern climes are heavier and often made of flannel or knits. A common feature in baby nightwear is foot covering built into the pajama pants itself. This is important, to prevent body heat from escaping though exposed feet.

Even the youngest baby needs to venture out onto the town (escorted, of course) every now and then. “On the town” clothes deserve to be in their own category. This can also be a fun time of bonding between parent and child. Over time, babies will begin to enjoy the dress up process, as it signals that a fun field trip is about to happen. It is here in this category that you enter the world of “baby fashion” where different choices for dress up clothes multiply . Companies such as Petit Patapon, Emile et Rose, Kissy Kissy and Petit Lem have wonderful cotton clothes for even the most discerning whipper snapper.

A very important consideration in baby clothing is ease of care. That cute little outfit could cause quite a bit of discomfort if it’s made of the wrong materials, doesn’t breathe easily, or is too constrictive. Clothes for a newborn should be soft, absorbent, and made of natural fibers. Always look at the care labels while you’re still in the store and make sure that the item is machine washable and doesn’t have any special restrictions regarding detergents, bleaches, or fabric softeners. You’re not likely to come across any baby clothing that requires dry cleaning, but you always want to be sure. Cotton is definitely the fabric of choice for baby clothing for the reasons mentioned above, but cotton does have a nasty tendency to shrink when washed in hot water. Your baby will outgrow her clothes quickly enough, so items that contain a blend of cotton and other, non-shrinking, fibers may be acceptable. Make sure that the cotton to poly ratio is weighted in cotton’s favor and you should still be all right in terms of comfort while ensuring that little Sarah will be able to get into her duds for as long as possible.

By: Steven Camden
Published At: Isnare.com Free Articles Directory - http://www.isnare.com/
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