You might think that an underwater baby nursery theme would be pretty much the same, but you actually have a lot of options. Since you want the best for your baby, you need to stop and think about the theme before you start purchasing items to slap up.
The Underwater Theme
Generally, underwater baby nursery themes are . . . well, underwater. But there’s a lot to do with that scenery! Do you want something general or do you want it to be a unique expression of your love for your little one?
For more specific themes, you might want to focus on one or two specific animals in order to showcase them. For example, a great theme for an underwater baby nursery is dolphins or tropical fish. With dolphins as our example, you could easily use the theme in a border for the room, a mural or posters and even fabric decals to create unique bedding or curtains. This can be done with any theme.
Other ideas to look at include a tropical reef, sharks, diving, whales, seaweed, mermaids, and an aquarium. You could also do a freshwater theme, with a lake and canoe. The possibilities are endless, but you really do need to plan ahead so you know exactly where you’re going with the design in the underwater baby nursery.
There are bedding options for dozens of underwater themes, so you aren’t really limited. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in bedding, have someone make a custom quilt instead, or make your own out of dolphin themed fabric or something similar. There are so many options and you can just go hog wild. Keep in mind though that the base of nearly e

Add in some wall decals, which can be simply peeled and stuck to the wall, or a stencil and you have the makings of a truly beautiful nursery for your little one. An underwater baby nursery is a wonderful way to welcome your baby into the world and can be a soothing place for your child to sleep.
By: Genesis D.
About the Author
Need more underwater baby nursery ideas? Once you’ve painted, you’ll need everything from crib sets to wall décor!
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