วันพุธที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Create a Cozy and Safe Nursery with a Baby Bassinet or Co-sleeper

Planning a nest for your baby with safe accessories is a very important part of getting ready for your child. What's the best spot for the crib? why bassinet or co-sleeper? what's best and why? safety guidelines for infant's bedroom and how to protect your newborn from SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. These are only some points that I will cover in this article.

How to Create a Cozy and Safe Nursery with a Baby Bassinet or Co-sleeper
Planning a nest for your baby is fun but also not easy part of getting ready for your child.
Planning the secure nursery -
Babies rooms naturally divide into zones:

1. Sleeping area with a bassinet or crib.
2. Feeding area.
3. Diaper changing center with a place for storing diapers, clothing, bedding, and other baby supplies.

- Crib or bassinet location is a very important part of the infant’s bedroom.
The center of the room is a safe crib spot, protecting baby from reaching out to pull anything down from walls, furniture, or windows.
Since you will be leaving your baby for a long time in the nursery, you’ll want her or him to be safe:
- keep wall hangings with ribbons or streamers out of reach of the crib. Blind cords can strangle babies in cribs,
- regularly check crib bars and hardware,
- purchase window locks or guards.

Position the baby in a corner of the crib or bassinet, head touching the bumper or soft padding to provide a feeling of security. Infants may feel overwhelmed and not secure in big, traditional cribs. Infants feel much better in smaller beds, like baby bassinets or co-sleepers. Both are recommended for newborns up to age of 6 months.

1. Co-sleepers or bedside sleepers are designed for newborns and nursing infants. They allow baby to sleep in his own protected, small area adjoining your bed. The sleeper fits flush against the side of your bed, at the same height as your mattress, with an open side next to your bed allowing easy access to the baby.
2. Bassinets and cradles are also small sleeping beds that offer a nest for newborn near the parent’s bed.

They present an alternative to putting your newborn into a large crib but are meant to use only in the first few months of baby’s life. You’ll have your infant close by for multiple nighttime feedings and diaper changes. All small babies also seem more at home in a confined space then in a large, airy crib. These wheeled baby beds take up little space and can be rolled easily from one room to another. Approximately one or two newborns out of every one thousand die in their sleep, for no apparent reason, and diagnosis is the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome- SIDS.

Always remember about safety, when leaving your baby alone for a nap or sleep:

- place your baby always face up for sleeping,
- never add more extra mattress padding,
- never cover the mattress with a plastic bag,
- never use pillows of any kind and size in the bassinet or co-sleeper,
- don’t use baby proppers (wedges), usually firm bolsters, some made in a triangular shape, these can be just as dangerous as pillows. Simply laying your baby on his back should be sufficient. Baby’s neck can be captured over the edge of the proper and block airways.
- don’t use any kinds of bed warmers, like electric blankets, heating pads or warm water bottles in baby’s bed. A baby’s skin is extremely sensitive to heat, and your child can be burned by temperatures that would seem comfortable to an adult.
Baby Bassinet, Co-sleeper, Cradle

By J.B Argasinski


