So many decisions to make and only 9 months to make it in, when putting your perfect baby nursery together you need to be creative and informed. It isn\'t something that should worry about, people have been putting together nurseries for thousands or years. It isn\'t something to wait to the last minute to do either. Heaven forbid that in your last month of pregnancy that you have to climb up and down ladders with buckets of paints in your hands. There are lot\'s of different sources online to source stuff for your baby nursery. Second hand store, catalogues, online retailers, chain supermarkets and department stores. Hopefully this article should give you a little of both.
1.Baby Nursery - Colour
Think about what colour you want paint or wallpaper the room, do you know the sex of the baby yet? If you don\'t try and go for neutral colours like yellow or white something that can be appreciated by both sexes. Sometimes pink doesn\'t go down so well with a 3 year old boy. If you do know the sex of the baby - paint away! In which ever colour you would like!
2.Baby Nursery - Proofing
What room are you using? Does it need to be baby proofed? Before the baby arrives walk around the room and see if there are any places where the baby could hurt themsleves and baby proof it. Look at plug sockets and sharp corners especially. Also think about this when buying furniture for the baby. It would make sense that whatever company sells baby furnbiture would prrof it beforehand but it\'s always good to check. Better safe than sorry I always say.
3.Baby Nursery - How Long?
How long will the baby be in this room? If it\'s for a short while only do you really want to change it all to bright pink with fairy stencils? If it is long term think about how much money you will have later on when the baby is old enough and wants to decorate th

4.Baby Nursery - The Crib
A crib is the most important part of the baby nursery. Make sure you invest some money into it and buy a crib that is of high quality. It is recommended that you have afirm mattress as a really soft one with lot\'s of flurry toys and stocked up pillows can increase the chance of sudden cot death.
5. Baby Nursery - You!
We all know that late nights and crying babies is the fundamental of being a new parent. Why not add something to nursery for you? How about a small radio that you can listen to while comforting the baby or how about a rocking chair to help you put the baby to sleep. Don\'t forget to pamper yourself a little!
It is also a good idea to speak to your friends if they have had kids. Parents who have kids that have grown out of their baby stuff are always trying to get rid of it. Maybe they might have some clothes or a stroller. They might also have good ideas on what worked well in their baby nursery and what did not.
Remember be colourful and be creative.
*For more articles like this please visit: http://www.thesafebabynursery.com*
- By: Gordon Barnes
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for more articles like this please visit: http://www.thesafebabynursery.com
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