Seven essential baby nursery decoration facts. There’s more to your decoration for baby than pastels and cot mobiles!
Are you about to start your baby nursery decoration project? Don’t even consider your colors until you have read these important facts.
Newborn Eyesight
…is primitive to say the least. They can distinguish light and facial features, albeit in a very fuzzy way. Think about it: looking at anything is really hard work at this extremely tender age. Your aim should be to make it as easy as possible for little one to develop this fundamental ability. For this reason it’s essential to plan…
High Contrast Visuals
Include some patterns like black and white or black and yellow. Think of this as you would watching something easy and familiar on television. Did you know that the best present for a new arrival is a panda soft toy? (Odd that they are so hard to get hold of, but indicative of the general level of ignorance on this topic). Bold, contrasting images will help your new arrival see better.
Sophisticated Thinking
Babies are more sophisticated thinkers than we assume. As Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn explain in their very clear and straightforward book Baby Minds, some newborns can imitate adults sometimes at only a day old by sticking their tongue out in response to an adult doing it .
It might seem that children don’t remember much at such a young age (apart from recognizing family members’ faces). Not true. Acredolo and Goodwyn point to research that shows how a 3-month-old baby can register what the decor of her nursery looks like.
Long Lasting Effects
Research from the Albert Einstein College of medicine shows that youngsters who perform better at memory tests in infancy also perform well in memory tests later in life. Whether this is due to an innate ability at this age or the likelihood of being in a nurturing, stimulating environment is not clear, but it's best to err on the side of caution and assume that there is a link.
The last two facts lead to a rather exciting conclusion. If babies can remember what their wallpaper looks like, and if a good infant memory is a skill for life, then if we can stimulate this ability to retain information surely it can only enhance their memory. But how?
Mix It Up
The answer is to change elements of your baby nursery decoration scheme regularly. This gives your baby more to remember, more mental gymnastics to work out to.
Of course none of this means you should go for an entire redecoration every two months. the key word is elements here. Even changing the position of your cot mobile and introducing a new wall sticker or even colorful image from a magazine, tacked up with blu tak, will make a difference.
By Harriet Morris