Doing Laundry of Your Baby Boy & Baby Girl Clothes

When parents bring their newborn baby home from the hospital everything in the home changes. Everything focuses on the baby and his/her safety. This becomes the number one issue.
It may not be until the first spit-up or poop that the question of the baby’s safety and laundering baby clothes get connected. How do parents protect their baby’s tender sensitive skin from skin irritations, rashes, and allergies?
Parents add new words to their vocabulary including non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, chlorine free, dye-free, fragrance free, or scent free.
In order to keep your baby safe and problem free first speak to your pediatrician. Identify the possibility of any inherited skin sensitivities or allergies you may have passed on to your baby genetically. Seek his/her recommendations about laundering your baby’s clothes.
Second, when washing your infant’s clothes – diapers, sleepwear, undergarments, onesies, coveralls, rompers, socks, bibs, outfits, etc, refer to the care label for cleaning and stain removal instructions. The same is true for any material that the baby comes in contact with---sheets, blankets, comforters, towels, washcloths, etc. Babies are messy by nature, and they have a knack of adding all sorts of stains—formula, baby food, juice, and what ever comes out of them--- to their clothing any time of the day or night. This will require many trips to the laundry room.

After safety issues have been addressed then the stain removal and cleaning issues remain. Choosing a detergent that is going to be tough on stains yet gentle on your baby’s skin is not as simple as one might think.
Do you choose an environmentally safe detergent that protects your baby and the environment together, but can be bought only at special stores at a more costly price? Do you purchase a baby specific laundry soap like Ivory Snow or Dreft that adds to your already tight monthly budget? Or do you use your ordinary laundry detergent, and make sure it is the dye-free, fragrant free type that you can use with all your household washings and stay on budget?
For cleaning and whitening purposes some mothers add baking soda to their wash to soften the fabrics, remove odors, and give the clothes a fresh clean more natural scent. Other mothers wash all the baby’s whites with a safe amount of bleach for cleaning and germ removal purposes.
Keeping your baby safe from irritations, rashes, and breakouts of any kind on their sensitive skin is every parent’s primary goal, but sometimes parents, moms in particular, are overprotective.
But over time and with trial and error in laundering your baby’s clothes, it might be helpful in the name of saving time to launder one of the baby’s outfits with the laundry detergent that you use for all the rest of the family’s clothes.
Initially just wash your baby’s outfit separate from other family member’s clothes, or even do it by hand. Carefully monitor the baby when clothing him or her with that washed outfit. If you find out that there is no negative reaction on your infant’s skin, then you have successfully completed Step One of project “Time Saver”.

Step Two is to introduce a few more baby clothes to a load of the family wash. Again monitor the baby’s reaction to these newly washed baby clothes. If there is no negative reaction with your baby’s skin, then you can be very grateful that you just made a great discovery, namely, your baby is not allergic to the detergent that you use for washing the rest of the family clothes.
Step Three, begin washing your baby’s clothes with the rest of the family’s laundry, and save a whole lot of time from sorting and running extra loads of laundry just for the baby clothes. Congratulations, now you can spend more time napping with your baby.
So much to think about and decide when protecting your baby and this is just the laundry.
By: Robert Walsh
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